STD ads

April 12, 2010

These two ads are similar in the fact that they are both promoting against contracting a form of a sexually transmitted disease.  They are both very gloomy images and have a woman on the ad.  I also think that they are both playing off the fears of society to get the message across. However, they both do it in different fashions.

The first ad shows a “bag of trouble” woman. She does not look the most appealing, she has dark eyes and she is smoking. This ad specifically focuses on promiscuous men and the awful things that they can get from a woman that does not have a very high set of morals. It uses the emotion of fear to try and keep guys away from these troubling women and not even think about wanting to have sex.

The second ad has a much more modern appeal. It shows that STDs or more specifically AIDS can be contracted by anyone, even if you are in a committed relationship. The girl was having sex with a boyfriend so she never thought that AIDS was a possibility. However, it can happen to anyone. Unlike the infectious disease ad, this shows a woman contracting it from a man.

Ad critique

March 29, 2010

When looking at this ad, the first thing that one would notice is the naked woman lying on the ground. After that, the word vegetarian would strike ones attention. It may even take a view a few more seconds to realize that this was an ad for PETA. The actress in the ad is Alicia Silverstone who strikes my attention as a ditzy blonde from Clueless. Because of that, I wouldn’t take this ad too seriously or even bother to think of it and its message much more. However, other people might like her and actually be attracted to this ad because of her. I also do not like this ad at all because it makes no sense. Why does she have to be naked to be a vegetarian? It doesn’t have any anti-fur references in the ad.  It is only a appealing to males and maybe a few females. And I think it is easy to say that there are more females that are vegetarians than there are men. So, it isn’t even hitting a good target audience. I think this ad was very poorly thought out and stupid. They simply went the sex sells route instead of coming up with a decent advertisement.

Research Project Idea

March 5, 2010

I would like to do my project on PETA. I want to do my project on this topic because animal rights is already an important issue to me. I have done research and read many books on this topic already and became a vegetarian because of it.

The two main types of campaigns that PETA already uses are the “I’d rather go naked than wear fur” and the ads that show hurt animals, which provokes much emotion. So I would want to brainstorm on a different approach from those two. I do not exactly know what that would be yet. I am thinking something that has more universal appeal. I want to go for something that will pertain to most all people. I think comical ads get more attention. So if I would somehow incorporate that in the ad I believe it would be more appealing.

Fiction connecting to reality

February 22, 2010

The Harry Potter saga, written by J.K. Rowling, is one of the most popular fictional book series ever written. It is fictional due to the fact that it is all about witches, wizards, and magic. If you asked someone their thoughts about the books and their relevance to our lives, they might tell you that the books are merely entertaining but do not give us much insight into our own lives. I, for one, would have to disagree with that statement. Although the main plot of Harry Potter is very unrealistic, these books have many themes that are very much similar to real life.

In my mind, the best way that Happy Potter relates to reality is through the constant struggle between good and evil. It is a theme that is started in the first book, plays a major role in all the books, and is finally conquered in the 7th and final installment of the series. In the real world there is a continuous fight between doing what is right and doing something that is easier or wrong. Should I cheat or should I study? Should I lie to cover my tracks or take the blame for my actions? Should I hurt this man to save myself? These are just some examples of hard decisions people face with right and wrong.

Viewers are able to connect with Harry Potter because of its use of these struggles. The books set up Dumbledore and Harry as the heroes and Lord Voldemort as the villain. They are always fighting each other. Whether it be to gain possession of the Sorcerer’s Stone, win a battle in the Ministry of Magic, or the final battle where one must die, the two sides are always fighting. It may not be in a similar realm as us, but it is still something we can relate to. Harry, himself, is also tempted on a more person level. Voldemort tells him they can bring back his dead parents if they join sides. But, Harry knows that that would not be the right thing to do.

Although these books involve magic, potions, and the fictional game of quidditch, they still all document the angst of being a teenager and growing up. Almost all kids deal with being an outsider. Hermione is a very intelligent, know-it-all, when she is first introduced in the books. The other boys don’t seem to like her too much at the beginning. She is seen running away and crying because she doesn’t fit in. Eventually, the boys come around and they end up seeing she is a good person and friend.

Another inevitable problem while growing up is relationships. J.K. Rowling did a good job of displaying some typical situations with young love. One situation that is often seen is the kind of relationship where everyone can see it but the people that like each other. The plot of Ron and Hermione is set up at the beginning of the saga. Ron always complains about how annoying Hermione is while she says how lazy he is. It isn’t until the fourth book when it comes to the surface. Ron gets jealous when Hermione dates another boy. He eventually dates anther girl in the sixth book, which really hurts Hermione. At the end of the series they both finally admit their love for the other and end up together. The books also shows very good portrayals of rejection. Harry is rejected by Cho. Ron is rejected by Fleur. Ginny is rejected by Harry. All these situations are hard on those rejected. However, they all eventually come to terms with the situation or are given a second chance.

Summing it all up, it may seem that the Harry Potter saga is irrelevant to our lives. However, there are many lessons that can be taken from these books. Sometimes you just have to look deeper into something and find the teaching.

American Teen Brainstorm

January 31, 2010

I am interested in writing my paper about the social construction of high school and how accurately American Teen depicted the real high school experience. I like the four characters that were picked for the film. It is typical to how most people veiw high school. However, I do think that this film was significantly different from day-to-day high school through my perspective. Warsaw is very close to my home town so I would have expected to find more connections with this film. That is what I am interested in analyzing and discussing.

Although that I do not believe that it was the same as myactual high school experience, I do believe that there is the same underlying message. At the end of the day, our last year in high school really changes our lives. We can all decide what to do and who to be. Its a fresh start and the begining of the rest of our lives. I would like to incorporate this key message into my paper as well.

Thesis: Although I believe that the four roles, jock, princess, rebel, and nerd, are classic sterotypes in which everyone can connect with on some level, I believe that the high school experience, as portrayed in American Teen, is innaccurate in today’s society expect for the main message of starting the rest of your life.

Complaint Letter

January 16, 2010

To Whom It May Concern,

Upon arriving back to my apartment after three weeks of vacation, I was appalled to find that the parking lot was still covered with layers of snow and ice. As a tenant, I am obligated to tell you when I leave for periods of time and when I plan to return. Because you had this information, I was even more disappointed with the lack of maintenance done. Not only was it annoying and frustrating, but it was also very dangerous. We were all moving in large bags of clothing and other personal items and sliding all around. I even had a roommate that fell, pulled a muscle, and spilled her clothing in the dirty ice. I realize that it was probably a break for you as well, but I feel we pay a good about and it should have been done. In the future, I would appreciate if it was a service you did in a timelier frame. Thank you very much for your time.

Jenna Fuelling

Hello world!

January 15, 2010

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!